
You have Purchased the Mastering Ultimate Level...

You are welcome to skip the startup learning, and jump straight into the Mastering Business Experience; as those videos along with related education is included in the membership.

For those of you who are interested in a limited time offer to purchase the Courses or Solutions which will add a hands-on solution plus a side-by-side with me format please click the button below or scrolling to the bottom.

Thank You for Purchasing the Mastering Experience!

Take a moment now to watch the thank you video listed above to learn more about your next steps.

Below you will have a visual of the getting started steps for you to see what is coming soon.

You welcome to head over to the launched members area, once inside access is provided to you later; is still under partial development but start watching the recorded videos in the meantime listed here.

Please do not hesitate to Schedule a Meeting with me now so we can do a live session together walking you through what is included with Mastering and begin to Structure your process ahead.

When you are ready simply click on the icon listed below...

Steps to Getting Started

To help you get started with the best experience, here are the steps I will take so you know what is happening moving forward; and I do this so that you have a visual.


I like to invite you for a live meeting now with me to help you get started with Mastering sooner. There is also a recorded video that I created walking through the members area that will come to you soon if you rather wait for that.


Your unique username and password plus members area link will be created soon by my membership system and send to you at the email you provided so you have access. Scroll down in the meantime to access what is available now and see what is coming soon as well.


I look forward to hearing your feedback within 30 days about how satisfied you are with Mastering. If you are not happy with the learning experience for whatever reason after trying. I will personally refund your purchased price.

Available Videos to Watch

You will soon be getting access to the membership, for right now I want to invite you to watch these if available in the meantime; for access simply click the thumbnail to pop up the overlay player.

Strategies On Closing Leads

Understand How having a Strategy is essential to closing more leads.

Closing Customers with Value

Understand How Upselling your Customers with Value is more important.

Advertising For Entrepreneurs

Understand How Advertising Effectively will have a higher impact in your results.

Ready for MasterMind Level?

Whenever you are ready to hire me for strategic services, or you want to continue learning in a how to experience; you are welcome to sign up for monthly solutions or courses.



Monthly Strategic Solutions for Entrepreneurs needing a Computer, Website, Business, Marketing and Monetization Service.


Monthly Strategic Courses for Entrepreneurs needing Computer, Website, Business, Marketing and Monetization Education.

Your learning never ends when you choose a MasterMind, choosing to upgrade to Solutions or Courses is your next level; these two combined are designed to give you side by side access to me on a monthly basis.

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