Final Limited Time Offer for you to Join the Mastering Membership!

Ultimate Offer has arrived...

Learn How to Master the Experiences of an Entrepreneur that has owned and operated a Business for over 10 years, and the Personal Knowledge he shares is Proven to help you Succeed in areas of Entrepreneurship; from Quitting your Job and Launching a Startup plus Scaling a Business is just the beginning.

You will have 30 hours to take advantage of this offer, if you bookmark this page then close it or go back to learning is not going to remove the offer; come back before the timer runs out so you have a chance to lock the price listed.


After the time expires you will never see this page or offer again. Instead, you will always be redirected to the regular sales page, act now!

What's Included with Final Offer

Each of these options are included and implemented per month so you always continue to experience new ways of learning without running out of access to do so. Bonuses and newly added are only rendered once until exhausted.

Mastering - Consultations

Phone Consultations for us to speak about things like Mastering a Knowledge and Starting a Business.

Mastering - Videos

Live Videos for us to meet about things like Mastering a Skill and Managing a Business.

Mastering - Webinars

Invites to Private Webinars as they are created to help Maintain new learning topics.

Mastering - Messages

Emails and Facebook Messages whenever you have questions on something you are learning.

Bonus - Audio

Recorded to Captured Voice over version of all the video experiences along with other audios.


Recorded to Presented PowerPoint version of topics mentioned throughout the experiences.

New - Solution

Choose from one of six service like solution where I do the work for you to solve a problem regarding website to marketing to computer plus.

New - Course

Watch a virtual How-to on a specific topic and schedule a live lesson for me to teach you what to do instead related to website to marketing plus.

Mastering - Updates

Product and Content Updates as they are uploaded to help Maintain learning experiences current.

i am a MasterMind entrepreneur

Helping you Startup a Business and Teaching new Skills is normal because of my Years of Entrepreneurial experience.

Over the years I found it natural for me to figure out my business, it started back in 2009 with the Information Technology industry; and being technical became more of a habit overtime.

For me being organized in my life along with planning most of all I do, has giving me the opportunity to change my mindset into what it actually takes to be an entrepreneur; someone who creates its own lifestyle.

Since then, I have evolved into several other business ventures which I currently own and operate, many are generating a profit while others are still in the development stages; it has giving me a master like approach at how I manage my business as an entrepreneur as well as my personal life as a husband and father.

Many of the businesses I launched have a lot to do with passions or hobbies I am into personally, such as Computer to Construction to Gaming to Commerce even in areas like Vehicle also Property and so my idea of knowledge is to not waste those talents by doing one thing alone but instead start businesses that utilize the skills I've learned over the years.

I plan to bring that expertise to the Mastering members, to help you overcome a challenge by first analyzing to implementing your ideas with a plan; all in the effort to make sure you have a strategy you can execute for you to move forward.

Video Experiences

These are only the beginning of the videos recorded monthly, many will teach you knowledge about a topic while others focus on an experience worth knowing; regardless of what you need to learn rest assured that mastering something new is guaranteed.

New - Entrepreneurs Created a Strategy

Understand How Creating a Strategy will help you Become more Successful in Business.

Editing - Building your E-commerce Business

Understand How an E-Commerce Business is a Model that helps you Sell Products online.

Soon - Retaining your Paying Customers

Understand How to keep an existing Customer paying you Retainers to help build ongoing revenue.

Monetizing Customer Emails

Understand How Monetizing your E-mails will help you Profit from most Customers.

Closing Customers with Value

Understand How Closing your Customers with Value is more important than Price.

Managing Time as an Entrepreneur

Understand How Managing your Timeline is a key component to being Successful.

Effective Advertising for Entrepreneurs

Understand How Advertising Effectively will have a higher impact in your results.

Entrepreneurs are Presenting the Sales Offer

Understand How Presenting your Offers to a Customer will help Increase Sales.

Strategies on Closing Leads

Understand How having a Strategy is essential to closing more leads in your Business.

Bonus - Choosing a Business Model to Start

Understand How Choosing the right Business Model will help you be successful.

Subscriber - Monetizing Employee Knowledge

Understand How to Master the Knowledge you already have from being an Employee.

Subscriber - Starting a Business with a Job

Understand How Starting a Business with a job is the best chance for Becoming Successful.

Subscriber - Risks to Become an Entrepreneurs

Understand How taking Risks to Become an Entrepreneur is rewarding at the end.

Setup your Own Business Service Prices

Understand How Setting a Price Model that is Competitive will help you Attract Customers.

Implementing a Business Idea

Understand How Implementing a Business Idea after Research is essential before Launch.

Audio Series

Voice over version of all the created videos about entrepreneurship

Audio for Mastered Learning

Some of the topics you may listen to...

Monetizing Employee Knowledge
Starting a Business with a Job
Choosing a Business Model to Start
Entrepreneurs Created a Strategy
Setup your Own Business Prices

I have learned so much from alain about how to strategize in marketing my business using google ads.

Kyle Hogge

Protec Garage Door

Live Presentation

PowerPoint version of all the eBooks created for Step-by-Step Learning

Everything was exactly how it was advertised. Alain answered every question I had. very good communication and very nice person.

Shelly Kimbriel

University of Louisiana

Presentation for Mastered Learning

Some of the topics you may go live...

Presenting the Sales Offer
Strategies on Closing Leads

Effective Social Advertising
Implementing a business idea
Creating Daily Exercise Habits

New Bonus for a Limited Time

Course with Solution is a special bonus created for Members who are engaging with learning and progressing in business.

MasterMind Course

Strategic Courses for Entrepreneurs needing Computer, Website, Business, Marketing and Monetization Education.

Education is done virtual, and you may participate on the education being taught from your office.
Learning presented include a replay for you to watch again along with a follow up lesson for clarity.

Business Solution

Strategic Solutions for Entrepreneurs needing a Computer, Website, Business, Marketing and Monetization Service.

Implementation is done remote, and you may participate on the service being performed from your office.
Solution executed include a plan for you to understand reason along with what you can do to maintain.


You have 100 Days for Starting or Scaling a Business! Results are Guaranteed if you agree to:

Give everything I teach you 30 days attention to details so that you are understanding. 
Allow me the chance to help you overcome challenges after 60 days if they are keeping you from learning.
Hands on coaching with me if you are not implementing the learning within 90 days.
If you have no results after 100 days of trying all of these options, then full refund of your purchased price.

Ultimate Experience has Everything...

You will access not only the entire membership, but also get extra bonuses to maximize your learning as a thank you for choosing the ultimate level of Mastering; so please consider this offer.

Are You Ready to Join?

Here's what you're getting with this final ultimate offer...

Access to Phone Consultations for us to speak about things like Mastering a Knowledge and Starting a Business.
Access to Live Meetings for us to meet about things like Mastering a Skill and Managing a Business.
Access to Direct Messages Integrated communication whenever you have questions on something you are learning.
Access to Content Updates as they are uploaded to help Maintain learning experiences current.
Access to Interactive Webinars as they are created to help Maintain new learning topics.
Access to Recorded Videos on my Personal Experiences about Starting a Business and Becoming an Entrepreneur.
Audio Bonus will be instant Access to Transcribed Audio Versions from current Video Experiences inside the Mastering Business Experiences Membership, so you learn on-the-go.
Presentation Bonus will be scheduled Access to a Live PowerPoint Presentation with me that is designed to teach you faster with Step-by-Step Interaction and In-Depth Breakdown that sort of feels like Coaching.
Course Bonus is only released to the members who are actually engaging with the learning and committed to starting or scaling their business within 60 days, a set of mastermind sort of educations that are strategic beyond mastering are available; access will be provided to you at the right time if you qualify.
Solution Bonus is only released to the members who are showing progress towards starting or scaling their business within 90 days, a set of mastermind sort of services that are strategic beyond mastering are available; access will be provided to you at the right time if you qualify.

Regular Combined Value is $1,757  


You will have access to everything for 100 Days. After that period, you will only continue with a $288 per Month Membership Fee to stay being an Active Member. You welcome to cancel by then if you decide but I am confident that the value provided will go beyond if you promise to give Learning everything you got. Within your first 30 days you and I will connect Live to make sure you are making progress.

Featured Testimonials from My Clients

"Everything was exactly how it was advertised. Alain answered every question I had, very good communication, very nice person.

Shelly Kimbriel

College Student

"I personally have used Alan Hernandez for my franchises since 2009. Alan is smart, fast on his feet; and very dependable."

Bennett Frumer

Personal Trainer

Alain from MasterMind LLC lives up to the name. He has been a tremendous asset to our company assisting us with Business Services.

Rick Bavec

Home Builder

Alain has been strategic on my Business; he continues to be great when managing my Campaigns.

Kyle Hogge

Door Installer

I'll Teach You Proven Experiences

I personally understand what is like to try quitting a job to help you move forward into your Entrepreneurial Personality, and being stuck on understanding which steps to take to help you level up in life from the financial side; plus, when it comes to actually being in a place where you are passionate it takes risks.

Starting your First Business
Scaling your Current Business
Overcoming any Personal Challenge
Developing Strategies that are Proven
Monetizing your Knowledge on the Internet
Quitting your Current Job without Financial Impact
Creating a Schedule suitable for your Situation

Allow my 10+ years to be an experience you can lean on, an entrepreneur who has been challenged with almost every obstacle; I am confident that there is a path for you to reach your full potential and I am betting that my Mastering Education will be just the beginning to changing your current situation.

Ready to get Mastering?

For a limited time, I'm offering a discount and bonuses; for you to find no reason not to join the Mastering!

No Thanks – Go back to Choosing a Business Model.

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